Naidokan is the karate club of my friend Alexandre.
We met in 2014 at the karate club of Montagnat, France, where we trained together. There, Alexandre gave me a lot of very useful advice and in 2016, he became one of my karate professors. One year later, he created his own karate-dō Shōtōkaï club named Naidokan.
The word Naidokan could be translated as the building where the internal path is studied. Alexandre gives lessons of karate-dō Shōtōkaï twice a week at Tossiat, France, and shares a lot of knowledge on the website
The club’s website is filled with high quality resources about karate-dō Shōtōkaï, including videos of karate concepts, kata explanations, thoughts on martial arts and news about the club.
More information about the club on, on the YouTube channel and on the Facebook page.