Research PhD Thesis "Eventual Leader Elections in Dynamic Networks" My PhD thesis in Computer Science (distributed systems) about eventual leader elections in dynamic networks.
Research Centrality-Based Eventual Leader Election in Dynamic Networks An awarded research article on a central leader election algorithm in dynamic networks.
Research Topology Aware Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Networks A research article about the leader election problem in dynamic networks.
School MapReduce Lab - Hadoop & Spark A university lab about MapReduce using Hadoop and Spark that I wrote.
Projects Epic Monkey Games Epic Monkey Games is a mobile games publisher on Android created with my friend Bastien.
Karate Naidokan Naidokan is the karate club of my friend Alexandre, who gave me a lot of useful advice and was my karate teacher.
Projects Progressive Web App Store The Progressive Web App Store is an app store to easily find PWA. The project is back in 2021! 🎉
Projects Poulet Army Poulet Army is an open-source mobile web strategy game of chicken battles. Develop real-time resources, recruit chickens for missions or battles to have the biggest army of all!