👋 Hi, welcome to my website!
My name is Arnaud Favier. I’m an entrepreneur, a PhD in computer science specializing in distributed systems from Sorbonne University, and a software engineer from INSA Lyon, France. 💻
I co-founded Flambo, an NFT advertising startup at Station F in Paris 🇫🇷, where I was CTO before transitioning to CEO.
Before Flambo, I was a founder in residence at Entrepreneur First, also at Station F.
Additionally, I’m a business graduate from INSEAD with the Business Foundations Certificate, and an INSEAD alumnus.
Born in 1995, I’ve been passionate about computers since I discovered their possibilities at 8 years old.
Since then, I’ve done projects during my spare time, sometimes with friends.
Some of them are still available, and you can find them on this site.
I travel a bit: I worked in a mobile gaming startup in London (UK) and in a large marketing software company in Dublin (Ireland).
More recently, I visited New York and Miami (USA) and Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
My other passions are karate and music. I’ve been practicing karate-dō Shōtōkaï and Shōtōkan for over 10 years. And I was an electro DJ before creating a DJ band with two friends. I also enjoy the piano.
The aim of this site is to provide a showcase of memories of some projects, as well as to explore and share new things.
Hope you enjoy your time here and feel free to send me your feedback at contact@arnaudfavier.com.
I’d be happy to chat with you in a café in Paris! ☕️
See you soon! 👋
Written in June 2019, updated in February 2025.
Arnaud Favier
Follow me!
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnaudfavier/
- GitHub: https://github.com/ArnaudFavier
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/FavierArnaud
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Graphics from Unsplash. All images are the property of their original authors.